value | description | |
Device information |
read only: hardware specific number | ||
read only | ||
read only: major.minor.revision | ||
(default: 4) This means, how many steps you want to have per one detent(in other word, bump) There are two types of encoders, detented and smooth. For detented encoder, you may want the encoder to send one signal per one detent. In that case, you want to set it 1. On the other hand, if you have smooth encoder, you may want to have more resolution. Set 4 if you want to have maximum resolution |
(default: 8) the faster you turn the encoder, the more value it will send. 0 disables the feature. |
(default: 4) This number means how many of values will be accumulated and averaged to get a
final sensor value. The bigger number, the smoother results are. But the responsiveness can be reduced if it was too high number. |
(default: 10): divides potentiometers range with this number. if it was set as 3, the potentiometer will send 3 times from minum to maximum potision. Doens't affect to Midi Normal node / Midi pitchbend mode. With this, you can manage how many messages you want to send for the operational range. |
(default: 0) only works for knobs. The minimum value of the potentiometers/faders/encoders. if you have a potentiometer/fader that has a minimum value of 10, set this value to 10. |
(deafult: 127) only works for knobs. the maximum value of the
potentiometers/faders/encoders. if you have a potentiometer/fader that has a maximum value of 100, set this value to 100 |
The index starts from 0. When the device gets power, devices starts from last index. | ||
(deafult: 2) Total number of banks. The maximum number can be vary based on number of components. Absolute maximum is 20 | ||
(deafult: 20) 1ES2K is only available at the moment (2025). The first bank color is set by this color | ||
(deafult: 20) 1ES2K is only available at the moment (2025). The first bank color is set by this color | ||
(deafult: 20) 1ES2K is only available at the moment (2025). The first bank color is set by this color | ||
(deafult: 20) 1ES2K is only available at the moment (2025). The first bank color is set by this color | ||
(deafult: unchecked) Sends the Deej compatible serial message to USB. This can decrese performance | ||
(deafult: unchecked) only for 1ES2K. Disable LED to save resource | ||
(deafult: unchecked) Disable TRS midi output to save resource. By default, TRS midi out is enabled | ||
(deafult: unchecked) When you try to increase/descrese the bank index over than the device has, by default it stops but if it is checked, the first bank will be come when it meets the last bank. | ||
(deafult: unchecked) only for potentiometers/faders. when you change banks, it remembers last position of the target bank. Midi message is not sent until the pots meets that position to prevent jumping | ||